‘Frats Are Being Frats’: Greek Life Is Stoking the Virus on Some Campuses


But fraternities and sororities have been especially challenging for universities to regulate. Though they dominate social life on many campuses, their houses are often not owned or governed by the universities,

and have frequently been the site of excessive drinking, sexual assault and hazing. That same lack of oversight, some experts say, extends to controlling the virus. Even on campuses that are offering online instruction only, people are still living in some sorority and fraternity houses.

“Fraternity and sorority homes have long functioned as a kind of ‘no-fly zone’ for university administrations,” said Matthew W. Hughey, a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut who has studied Greek life and social inequality on campuses. “The structure that’s already been set up makes them harder to control when it comes to the transmission of disease.”

Among the 25 fraternity houses hosting students over the summer at the University of Washington, 15 of them suffered a coronavirus outbreak in the last week of July. At least 165 students of the 1,000 living there tested positive for the virus. Students quarantined within their fraternity houses, sometimes designating an entire floor for infected students. Across two of the facilities, 45 out of 65 students tested positive.

And at the University of Southern California, where classes — all held remotely — started on Monday, administrators have traced two outbreaks to fraternity houses over the past month, according to Dr. Sarah Van Orman, the university’s chief student health officer. In mid-July around 45 people tested positive for the virus, most of them members of fraternities or sororities. And last week 15 people were found to be infected, some of them fraternity members and others who lived nearby.

“It’s very challenging for everyone during this time, but we know particularly for young adults who crave connection, who crave being together,” Dr. Van Orman said.


Some members say they are making the appropriate sacrifices, like not holding the social events that many look forward to as a way to relax, form friendships and recruit new members.